Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The GJK Algorithm

This code sample uses the GJK Algorithm to determine if two convex regions in 3-space are intersecting.
There's a good tutorial on how this algorithm actually works here and another one here. This is my implementation in c#.
One can extend this to handle any convex shape at all as long as it has a function to determine the furthest point in the shape along a give direction, ie. if one were to walk along a line determined by a direction, starting "behind" the shape, determine the last point of the shape that you'll pass. This basically boils down to finding the shape's position that has the largest dot product with the direction.
While this can be tricky, GJK can handle any convex shape that implements this function making it very flexible. It's also faster than many other methods and uses minimal resources.
Now on to the code.
PhysicsExtensionMethods static class:

static class PhysicsExtensionMethods
    public static bool IsInSameDirection(this Vector3 vector, Vector3 otherVector)
        return Vector3.Dot(vector, otherVector) > 0;

    public static bool IsInOppositeDirection(this Vector3 vector, Vector3 otherVector)
        return Vector3.Dot(vector, otherVector) < 0;

IConvexRegion interface:

public interface IConvexRegion
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the furthest point on the region 
    /// along a given direction.
    /// </summary>
    Vector3 GetFurthestPoint(Vector3 direction);

Simplex class:

/// <summary>
/// Represents a generalized Tetrehedron
/// </summary>
class Simplex
    List<Vector3> _vertices =
        new List<Vector3>();

    public int Count
        get { return _vertices.Count; }

    public Vector3 this[int i]
        get { return _vertices[i]; }

    public Simplex(params Vector3[] vertices)
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
    public void Add(Vector3 vertex)

    public void Remove(Vector3 vertex)

GJKAlgorithm static class:

public static class GJKAlgorithm
    public static bool Intersects(IConvexRegion regioneOne, IConvexRegion regionTwo)
        //Get an initial point on the Minkowski difference.
        Vector3 s = Support(regioneOne, regionTwo, Vector3.One);
        //Create our initial simplex.
        Simplex simplex = new Simplex(s);

        //Choose an initial direction toward the origin.
        Vector3 d = -s;

        //Choose a maximim number of iterations to avoid an 
        //infinite loop during a non-convergent search.
        int maxIterations = 50;

        for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
            //Get our next simplex point toward the origin.
            Vector3 a = Support(regioneOne, regionTwo, d);

            //If we move toward the origin and didn't pass it 
            //then we never will and there's no intersection.
            if (a.IsInOppositeDirection(d))
                return false;
            //otherwise we add the new
            //point to the simplex and
            //process it.
            //Here we either find a collision or we find the closest feature of
            //the simplex to the origin, make that the new simplex and update the direction
            //to move toward the origin from that feature.
            if (ProcessSimplex(ref simplex, ref d))
                return true;
        //If we still couldn't find a simplex 
        //that contains the origin then we
        //"probably" have an intersection.
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    ///Either finds a collision or the closest feature of the simplex to the origin, 
    ///and updates the simplex and direction.
    /// </summary>
    static bool ProcessSimplex(ref Simplex simplex, ref Vector3 direction)
        if (simplex.Count == 2)
            return ProcessLine(ref simplex, ref direction);
        else if (simplex.Count == 3)
            return ProcessTriangle(ref simplex, ref direction);
            return ProcessTetrehedron(ref simplex, ref direction);

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines which Veronoi region of a line segment 
    /// the origin is in, utilizing the preserved winding
    /// of the simplex to eliminate certain regions.
    /// </summary>
    static bool ProcessLine(ref Simplex simplex, ref Vector3 direction)
        Vector3 a = simplex[1];
        Vector3 b = simplex[0];
        Vector3 ab = b - a;
        Vector3 aO = -a;

        if (ab.IsInSameDirection(aO))
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(ab, aO);
            float angle = (float)Math.Acos(dot / (ab.Length() * aO.Length()));
            direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ab, aO), ab);
            direction = aO;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines which Veronoi region of a triangle 
    /// the origin is in, utilizing the preserved winding
    /// of the simplex to eliminate certain regions.
    /// </summary>
    static bool ProcessTriangle(ref Simplex simplex, ref Vector3 direction)
        Vector3 a = simplex[2];
        Vector3 b = simplex[1];
        Vector3 c = simplex[0];
        Vector3 ab = b - a;
        Vector3 ac = c - a;
        Vector3 abc = Vector3.Cross(ab, ac);
        Vector3 aO = -a;
        Vector3 acNormal = Vector3.Cross(abc, ac);
        Vector3 abNormal = Vector3.Cross(ab, abc);

        if (acNormal.IsInSameDirection(aO))
            if (ac.IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ac, aO), ac);
                if (ab.IsInSameDirection(aO))
                    direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ab, aO), ab);
                    direction = aO;
            if (abNormal.IsInSameDirection(aO))
                if (ab.IsInSameDirection(aO))
                    direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ab, aO), ab);
                    direction = aO;
                if (abc.IsInSameDirection(aO))
                    direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(abc, aO), abc);
                    direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(-abc, aO), -abc);
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines which Veronoi region of a tetrahedron
    /// the origin is in, utilizing the preserved winding
    /// of the simplex to eliminate certain regions.
    /// </summary>
    static bool ProcessTetrehedron(ref Simplex simplex, ref Vector3 direction)
        Vector3 a = simplex[3];
        Vector3 b = simplex[2];
        Vector3 c = simplex[1];
        Vector3 d = simplex[0];
        Vector3 ac = c - a;
        Vector3 ad = d - a;
        Vector3 ab = b - a;
        Vector3 bc = c - b;
        Vector3 bd = d - b;
        Vector3 acd = Vector3.Cross(ad, ac);
        Vector3 abd = Vector3.Cross(ab, ad);
        Vector3 abc = Vector3.Cross(ac, ab);
        Vector3 aO = -a;

        if (abc.IsInSameDirection(aO))
            if (Vector3.Cross(abc, ac).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ac, aO), ac);
            else if (Vector3.Cross(ab, abc).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ab, aO), ab);
                direction = abc;
        else if (acd.IsInSameDirection(aO))
            if (Vector3.Cross(acd, ad).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ad, aO), ad);
            else if (Vector3.Cross(ac, acd).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ac, aO), ac);
                direction = acd;
        else if (abd.IsInSameDirection(aO))
            if (Vector3.Cross(abd, ab).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ab, aO), ab);
            else if (Vector3.Cross(ad, abd).IsInSameDirection(aO))
                direction = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(ad, aO), ad);
                direction = abd;
            return true;

        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the furthest point on the Minkowski 
    /// difference along a given direction.
    /// </summary>
    static Vector3 Support(
        IConvexRegion regionOne, 
        IConvexRegion regionTwo,
        Vector3 direction)
        return regionOne.GetFurthestPoint(direction) -

Sphere class:

public class Sphere : IConvexRegion
    public Vector3 Center;
    public float Radius;

    public Sphere(Vector3 center, float radius)
        Center = center;
        Radius = radius;

    public Vector3 GetFurthestPoint(Vector3 direction)
        if (direction != Vector3.Zero)
        return Center + Radius * direction;

Box class:

public class Box : IConvexRegion
    public Vector3 Center;
    Vector3 _halfDimensions = Vector3.One;
    Quaternion _orientation = Quaternion.Identity;

    public Vector3 Dimensions
        get { return 2f * _halfDimensions; }

    public Box(Vector3 center)
        : this(center, 1f, 1f, 1f) { }

    public Box(Vector3 center,
        float width,
        float height,
        float depth)
        : this(center, width, height, depth, Matrix.Identity) { }

    public Box(Vector3 center,
        float width,
        float height,
        float depth,
        Matrix rotationMatrix)
        Center = center;
        _halfDimensions = new Vector3(
            width / 2f,
            height / 2f,
            depth / 2f);
        _orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(rotationMatrix);

    public Vector3 GetFurthestPoint(Vector3 direction)
        Vector3 halfHeight = _halfDimensions.Y * Vector3.Up;
        Vector3 halfWidth = _halfDimensions.X * Vector3.Right;
        Vector3 halfDepth = _halfDimensions.Z * Vector3.Backward;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[8];
        vertices[0] = halfWidth + halfHeight + halfDepth;
        vertices[1] = -halfWidth + halfHeight + halfDepth;
        vertices[2] = halfWidth - halfHeight + halfDepth;
        vertices[3] = halfWidth + halfHeight - halfDepth;
        vertices[4] = -halfWidth - halfHeight + halfDepth;
        vertices[5] = halfWidth - halfHeight - halfDepth;
        vertices[6] = -halfWidth + halfHeight - halfDepth;
        vertices[7] = -halfWidth - halfHeight - halfDepth;

        Matrix rotationTransform = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(_orientation);
        Matrix translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Center);
        Matrix world = rotationTransform *

        Vector3 furthestPoint = Vector3.Transform(vertices[0], world);
        float maxDot = Vector3.Dot(furthestPoint, direction);
        for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
            Vector3 vertex = Vector3.Transform(vertices[i], world);
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(vertex, direction);
            if (dot > maxDot)
                maxDot = dot;
                furthestPoint = vertex;
        return furthestPoint;

    public Matrix CalculateWorld()
        return Matrix.CreateScale(Dimensions) *
            Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(_orientation) *

I hope this is helpful to someone :) Enjoy!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Game State Management

In this article we'll be building a game state management system similar to the one here on the Microsoft App Hub. It's a nice little framework if you've never checked it out before.
We'll be going through how to build something like this as well as extending the idea to support controls, eg. buttons, check-boxes, etc.
The basic idea is that we have a collection of GameScreens that update, handle input, and draw themselves. A ScreenManager class holds this collection and treats it as sort of a stack in the update process (although it's held in memory as a list). The top-most screen on the stack accepts input and forces screens below it to hide. We'll also have a collection of ScreenControls contained in each Screen. These will also update, handle input and draw but will have no effect on each other and will generally contain some events like Clicked or what have you. How these events are handled will be up to the GameScreen but the conditions under which each event fires will be decided by the ScreenControl.
For starters, go ahead and create a new XNA Windows Game project. I named mine GameStateTutorial.
We're going to need four classes to start go ahead and right click on the game project in your solution explorer and select Add -> Class... then add a class named ScreenManager. Do the same thing to create a GameScreen class, an InputState class and a ScreenControl class.
Let's work on the InputState class first.
This class will watch for player input and will be passed to screens when they handle input.
class InputState
    //We're going to handle the XBox case for input too so we'll
    //need to specify the max number of players.
    const int _maxInputs = 4;

    //We'll hold the input state for each player in arrays.
    public readonly KeyboardState[] CurrentKeyStates;
    public readonly KeyboardState[] PreviousKeyStates;
    public readonly GamePadState[] CurrentGamePadStates;
    public readonly GamePadState[] PreviousGamePadStates;

    //And we want to keep track of whether or not a game pad
    //was ever connected so we'll use another array for that.
    public readonly bool[] GamePadWasConnected;

    //There's only one possible mouse input since there's
    //no mouse for the Xbox.
    MouseState _currentMouseState;
    MouseState _previousMouseState;

    public MouseState CurrentMouseState
        get { return _currentMouseState; }

    public MouseState PreviousMouseState
        get { return _previousMouseState; }

    public InputState()
        CurrentKeyStates = new KeyboardState[_maxInputs];
        PreviousKeyStates = new KeyboardState[_maxInputs];
        CurrentGamePadStates = new GamePadState[_maxInputs];
        PreviousGamePadStates = new GamePadState[_maxInputs];
        CurrentGamePadStates = new GamePadState[_maxInputs];
        GamePadWasConnected= new bool[_maxInputs];

    public void Update()
        //We update the state of each player.
        for (int i = 0; i < _maxInputs; i++)
            PreviousKeyStates[i] = CurrentKeyStates[i];
            CurrentKeyStates[i] = Keyboard.GetState((PlayerIndex)i);
            PreviousGamePadStates[i] = CurrentGamePadStates[i];
            CurrentGamePadStates[i] = GamePad.GetState((PlayerIndex)i);
            //if a game pad was ever connected we set that to true.
            if (CurrentGamePadStates[i].IsConnected)
                GamePadWasConnected[i] = true;

        _previousMouseState = _currentMouseState;
        _currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState();

    //This method checks to see if a key has just been pressed this frame.
    //We have a PlayerIndex as a nullable parameter; if it is null we'll check
    //for input from every player, otherwise just from the specified player.  
    //The out parameter, playerIndex, returns which player pressed the key.
    public bool IsNewKeyPressed(
        Keys key,
        PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer,
        out playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer != null)
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;
            int i = (int)playerIndex;
            return (CurrentKeyState[i].IsKeyDown(key) &&
            return (IsNewKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewKeyPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex));

    //We do basically the same thing for game pad buttons.
    public bool IsNewButtonPressed(
        Buttons button,
        PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer,
        out playerIndex)
        if (controllingPlayer != null)
            playerIndex = controllingPlayer.Value;
            int i = (int)playerIndex;
            return (CurrentGamePadState[i].IsButtonDown(button) &&
            return (IsNewButtonPressed(key, PlayerIndex.One, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Two, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Three, out playerIndex) ||
                IsNewButtonPressed(key, PlayerIndex.Four, out playerIndex));

    //And a simple method to check for a left mouse click.
    public bool WasMouseLeftClicked()
        return (_currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed &&
            _previousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released);
That's all we need for now.
Let's work on the ScreenControl class. These will be used for our buttons and labels and such.
abstract class ScreenControl
    Vector2 _position;
    GameScreen _screen;
    public Vector2 Position
        get { return _position; }
        set { _position = value; }

    public GameScreen Screen
        get { return _screen; }

    public abstract int Width { get; set; }
    public abstract int Height { get; set; }

    public ScreenControl(GameScreen screen)
        _screen = screen;

    public virtual void LoadContent(ContentManager content) { }
    //The screens transition on and off and the positionTransform parameter will help us have
    //our controls slide in and out of view as the screen transitions.
    public virtual void HandleInput(InputState input, Matrix positionTransform) { }

    public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime, Matrix positionTransform) { }

    //The alpha parameter has a similar purpose to the positionTransform.
    public virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Matrix positionTransform, float alpha) { }
    public virtual Rectangle CalculateControlRectangle(Matrix positionTransform)
        Vector2 transformedPosition = Vector2.Transform(_position, positionTransform);
        return new Rectangle(
Next up is the GameScreen class. We need it to be able to transition on and off smoothly so it will contain an enum that represents its transition state as well as how far transitioned it is, the total time it takes to transition on or off, whether or not it's a pop-up screen, and several other fields and helper methods.
//The transition state of the screen.
public enum ScreenState
abstract class GameScreen
    PlayerIndex? _controllingPlayer;
    ScreenManager _screenManager;
    bool _isExiting = false;
    bool _isPopup = false;
    ScreenState _state = ScreenState.TransitionOn;
    TimeSpan _transitionOnTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
    TimeSpan _transitionOffTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
    //_transitionPosition at 1f means full transition while 0f means no transition.
    float _transitionPosition = 1f;

    bool _otherScreenHasFocus;
    List<ScreenControl> _controls = new List<ScreenControl>();

    public PlayerIndex? ControllingPlayer
        get { return _controllingPlayer; }
        internal set { _controllingPlayer = value; }

    public ScreenManager ScreenManager
        get { return _screenManager; }
        internal set { _screenManager = value; }

    public bool IsPopup
        get { return _isPopup; }
        protected set { _isPopup = value; }

    public bool IsActive
            return !_otherScreenHasFocus &&
                (_state == ScreenState.TransitionOn ||
                _state == ScreenState.Active);

    public ScreenState ScreenState 
        get { return _state; }
        protected set { _state = value; }

    public float TransitionAlpha 
        get { return 1f - _transitionPosition; }

    public float TransitionPosition 
        get { return _transitionPosition; }

    public bool IsExiting
        get { return _isExiting; }
        protected internal set { _isExiting = value; }

    public TimeSpan TransitionOnTime
        get { return _transitionOnTime; }
        protected set { _transitionOnTime = value; }

    public TimeSpan TransitionOffTime
        get { return _transitionOffTime; }
        protected set { _transitionOffTime = value; }

    public IList<ScreenControl> Controls
        get { return _controls; }

    //Loads the content of each control.  We're getting the
    //content manager from ScreenManager.Game but we can override this.
    public virtual void LoadContent() 
        ContentManager content = ScreenManager.Game.Content;
        foreach (ScreenControl control in _controls)

    public virtual void UnloadContent() { }

    //This helper method determines how to move the controls while
    //we're transitioning in or out and can be overridden for different behavior.
    //A control can also determine its own transition behavior since this Matrix
    //is passed along in the Update, HandleInput and Draw methods and the
    //ScreenControl can use it or not.
    protected virtual Matrix CalculateTransitionOffset()
        float transitionOffset = (float)Math.Pow(TransitionPosition, 2);
        Vector2 positionTranslation;
        if (_state == ScreenState.TransitionOn)
            positionTranslation = new Vector2(-256 * transitionOffset, 0);
        else if (_state == ScreenState.TransitionOff)
            positionTranslation = new Vector2(512 * transitionOffset, 0);
            positionTranslation = Vector2.Zero;
        Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(positionTranslation, 0));
        return transform;

    //This helper method increments the _transitionPosition the appropriate
    //amount and then returns true if it's still transitioning
    //or false if it's done.
    bool UpdateTransition(
        GameTime gameTime,
        TimeSpan time,
        int direction)
        float transitionDelta;
        if (time == TimeSpan.Zero)
            transitionDelta = 1;
            transitionDelta =
                (float)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / time.TotalMilliseconds);

        _transitionPosition += transitionDelta * direction;

        if ((direction < 0 && _transitionPosition <= 0) ||
            (direction > 0 && _transitionPosition >= 1))
            _transitionPosition = MathHelper.Clamp(
                _transitionPosition, 0f, 1f);
            return false;

        return true;

    //This updates the transition state as well as the
    //the controls.
    //if a screen is exiting it transitions off and then removes itself
    //from the ScreenManager and if it's covered by another screen
    //then it transitions off to hide.
    //otherwise, it's either active or transitioning on.
    public virtual void Update(
        GameTime gameTime,
        bool otherScreenHasFocus,
        bool coveredByOtherScreen)
        _otherScreenHasFocus = otherScreenHasFocus;
        if (_isExiting)
            _state = ScreenState.TransitionOff;
            if (!UpdateTransition(gameTime, _transitionOffTime, 1))
        else if (coveredByOtherScreen)
            if (UpdateTransition(gameTime, _transitionOffTime, 1))
                _state = ScreenState.TransitionOff;
                _state = ScreenState.Hidden;
            if (UpdateTransition(gameTime, _transitionOnTime, -1))
                _state = ScreenState.TransitionOn;
                _state = ScreenState.Active;

        foreach (ScreenControl control in _controls)
            Matrix transform = CalculateTransitionOffset();
            control.Update(gameTime, transform);

    public virtual void HandleInput(InputState input)
        foreach (ScreenControl control in _controls)
            Matrix transform = CalculateTransitionOffset();
            control.HandleInput(input, transform);

    public virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch = ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;
        Matrix transform = CalculateTransitionOffset();

        foreach (ScreenControl control in _controls)

    public void ExitScreen()
        if (_transitionOffTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
            _isExiting = true;
Since we'll be using the mouse for this tutorial, let's make a Cursor class and add an image to draw for a mouse cursor.
Here's a cursor image.

And the Cursor class:
class Cursor
    Texture2D _texture;
    Vector2 _position;

    public Texture2D Texture
        get { return _texture; }
        set { _texture = value; }

    public void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
        if (_texture == null)
            _texture = content.Load("cursor_texture");

    public void Update(InputState input)
        _position = new Vector2(


    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
Now let's move on to the ScreenManager which as the name suggests, will manage a collection of screens. This class will inherit from DrawableGameComponent so it will contain a Game object passed in through the constructor. It will also override some virtual functions for loading content, updating and drawing.
At this point we're also going to need a few more assets to load. Go ahead and right click on the content project and select Add -> New Item... and then in the dialogue that appears select Sprite Font and give it a name. I named mine "menu_font.spritefont". While we're here let's add an image to use as a background. Here's some ugly blue ellipses.

And a button texture for later.

class ScreenManager : DrawableGameComponent
    List<GameScreen> _screens = new List<GameScreen>();
    List<GameScreen> _screensToUpdate = new List<GameScreen>();
    InputState _input = new InputState();
    SpriteBatch _spriteBatch;
    SpriteFont _font;
    Texture2D _blankTexture;
    bool _isInitialized = false;
    Cursor _cursor = new Cursor();

    public SpriteBatch SpriteBatch
        get { return _spriteBatch; }

    public SpriteFont Font
        get { return _font; }

    public ScreenManager(Game game)
        : base(game) { }

    public override void Initialize()
        //Now we have a GraphicsDevice initialized in the Game class
        //and we set _isInitialized to true.
        _isInitialized = true;

    protected override void LoadContent()
        ContentManager content = Game.Content;
        _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game.GraphicsDevice);

        _font = content.Load<SpriteFont>("menu_font");

        //We have a 1 by 1 white texture we can use for
        //different effects like fading to black.            
        _blankTexture = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
        Color[] colorData = { Color.White };

        foreach (GameScreen screen in _screens)

    protected override void UnloadContent()
        foreach (GameScreen screen in _screens)

    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

        //Here we populate a temporary list to update.
        foreach (GameScreen screen in _screens)

        //We'll need a couple of booleans to keep track
        //of which screens are covered by other screens
        //or accepting input.
        bool otherScreenHasFocus = !Game.IsActive;
        bool coveredByOtherScreen = false;

        //We iterate through the list backwards, popping a screen off the top,
        //updating it and determining whether or not to accept input
        //or cover screens below it.
        while (_screensToUpdate.Count > 0)
            GameScreen screen = _screensToUpdate[_screensToUpdate.Count - 1];
            _screensToUpdate.RemoveAt(_screensToUpdate.Count - 1);

            screen.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);

            if (screen.ScreenState == ScreenState.TransitionOn ||
                screen.ScreenState == ScreenState.Active)
                if (!otherScreenHasFocus)
                    otherScreenHasFocus = true;
                if (!screen.IsPopup)
                    coveredByOtherScreen = true;

    public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
        foreach (GameScreen screen in _screens)
            if (screen.ScreenState != ScreenState.Hidden)

    //If the game has initialized we can unload or load content.
    public void RemoveScreen(GameScreen screen)
        if (_isInitialized)

    //Here we set the screen's ScreenManager, which player is
    //controlling the screen, and load its content if appropriate.
    public void AddScreen(GameScreen screen, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
        screen.ScreenManager = this;
        screen.ControllingPlayer = controllingPlayer;
        screen.IsExiting = false;
        if (_isInitialized)

    //We want access to the screens in the collection but
    //not the collection itself.
    public GameScreen[] GetScreens()
        return _screens.ToArray();

    //A helper method for fading to black.
    public void FadeBackBufferToBlack(float alpha)
        Viewport viewport = GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
            new Rectangle(
                0, 0,
                viewport.Width, viewport.Height),
            Color.Black * alpha);
Now we have a basic framework that we can build off of. Let's start by making a couple new classes, a ScreenControl for displaying a texture which we can use in a BackgroundScreen.
class TextureDisplay : ScreenControl
    int _width;
    int _height;
    Texture2D _texture;

    public Texture2D Texture
        get { return _texture; }
        set { _texture = value; }

    public override int Width
        get { return _width; }
        set { _width = value; }

    public override int Height
        get { return _height; }
        set { _height = value; }

    public TextureDisplay(GameScreen screen)
        : base(screen)

    public override void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
        if (_texture == null)
            _texture = content.Load("blue_ellipses");
        Viewport viewport = Screen.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
        if (_width <= 0)
            _width = viewport.Width;
        if (_height <= 0)
            _height = viewport.Height;

    public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Matrix positionTransform, float alpha)
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Screen.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;
            Color.White * alpha);
Now we'll make our BackgroundScreen which will contain a single TextureDisplay control. This screen won't slide in or out so we'll override the CalculateTransitionOffset to return the identity matrix.
class BackgroundScreen : GameScreen
    public BackgroundScreen()
        TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5d);
        TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5d);
        TextureDisplay background = new TextureDisplay(this);

    public override void Update(
        GameTime gameTime,
        bool otherScreenHasFocus,
        bool coveredByOtherScreen)
        //The background screen never hides so it's never covered.
        base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, false);

    protected override Matrix CalculateTransitionOffset()
        return Matrix.Identity;
We can test this out now. Here's my Game1 class:
public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
    GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
    ScreenManager screenManager;

    public Game1()
        graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

        screenManager = new ScreenManager(this);
        screenManager.AddScreen(new BackgroundScreen(), null);


    protected override void Initialize()

    protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

    protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
Which looks like this when we run it:
Before we can handle events, we need to make an EventArgs class that holds a PlayerIndex so we know which player trigger the event.
class PlayerIndexEventArgs : EventArgs
    PlayerIndex _playerIndex;

    public PlayerIndex PlayerIndex
    get { return _playerIndex; }

    public PlayerIndexEventArgs(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        _playerIndex = playerIndex;
Let's continue by making two more ScreenControl classes: a ScreenLabel class and a GameButton class.
class ScreenLabel : ScreenControl
    string _text;

    public string Text
        get { return _text; }
        set { _text = value; }

    public override int Width
            return (int)Screen.ScreenManager.Font.MeasureString(_text).X;
        set { }

    public override int Height
            return Screen.ScreenManager.Font.LineSpacing;
        set { }

    public ScreenLabel(GameScreen screen, string text)
        : base(screen)
        _text = text;

    //Instead of using the default positionTransform we'll make the
    //labels move up and down during transition.
    Matrix CalculateLabelTransform()
        float transitionOffset = (float)Math.Pow(Screen.TransitionPosition, 2);
        Vector2 translation = new Vector2(0f, -transitionOffset * 100);
        Matrix labelTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(translation, 0f));
        return labelTransform;

    public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Matrix positionTransform, float alpha)
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Screen.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;
        SpriteFont font = Screen.ScreenManager.Font;

        Matrix labelTransform = CalculateLabelTransform();

        Vector2 drawPosition = Vector2.Transform(Position, labelTransform);
        Vector2 labelOrigin = font.MeasureString(_text) / 2;
        Color labelColor = new Color(192, 192, 192) * alpha;
        float labelScale = 1.25f;
And now the GameButton class. This will contain a Clicked event which will be fired whenever the user LeftClicks within the control's bounds.
class GameButton : ScreenControl
    int _width = 150;
    int _height = 50;
    Texture2D _buttonTexture;
    string _text;
    public event EventHandler<PlayerIndexEventArgs> Clicked;

    public Texture2D ButtonTexture
        get { return _buttonTexture; }
        set { _buttonTexture = value; }

    public string Text
        get { return _text; }
        set { _text = value; }

    public override int Width
        get { return _width; }
        set { _width = value; }

    public override int Height
        get { return _height; }
        set { _height = value; }

    public GameButton(GameScreen screen, string text)
        : base(screen)
        _text = text;

    public override void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
        if (_buttonTexture == null)
            _buttonTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("button_texture");

    public override void HandleInput(InputState input, Matrix positionTransform)
        Point mousePosition = new Point(
        Rectangle buttonRectangle = CalculateControlRectangle(positionTransform);
        if (input.IsMouseLeftClicked() &&

    public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Matrix positionTransform, float alpha)
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Screen.ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;
        SpriteFont font = Screen.ScreenManager.Font;
        //We need to position the button text in the center
        //of the button.
        Rectangle buttonRectangle = CalculateControlRectangle(positionTransform);
        Vector2 buttonPosition = Vector2.Transform(Position, positionTransform);
        Vector2 textDimensions = font.MeasureString(_text);
        Vector2 buttonDimensions = new Vector2(
        Vector2 textPosition = buttonPosition + buttonDimensions / 2f - textDimensions / 2f;

            Color.White * alpha);

            Color.White * alpha);

    protected void OnClick(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
        if (Clicked != null)
            Clicked(this, new PlayerIndexEventArgs(playerIndex));
Now we can use both of these new ScreenControls in making our MenuScreen and MainMenuScreen classes.
abstract class MenuScreen : GameScreen
    ScreenLabel _menuTitle;

    public MenuScreen(string title)
        TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5);
        TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5);

        _menuTitle = new ScreenLabel(

    public override void LoadContent()
        Viewport viewport = ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
        _menuTitle.Position = new Vector2(viewport.Width / 2, 80f);

    protected virtual void OnCancel(PlayerIndex playerIndex)

    //This let's us hook the OnCancel method to control events.
    protected void OnCancel(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e)
And finally our MainMenuScreen:
class MainMenuScreen : MenuScreen
    GameButton _exit;

    public MainMenuScreen()
        : base("Main Menu")
        _exit = new GameButton(this, "Exit");
        _exit.Clicked += OnCancel;

    public override void LoadContent()
        Viewport viewport = ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
        _exit.Position = new Vector2(
            (int)viewport.Width / 2 - _exit.Width / 2,

    protected override void OnCancel(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
Now we can test it out! Change your Game1 class to look this this:
public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
    GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
    ScreenManager screenManager;

    public Game1()
        graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
        screenManager = new ScreenManager(this);
        screenManager.AddScreen(new BackgroundScreen(), null);
        screenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenuScreen(), null);


    protected override void Initialize()

    protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

    protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
And running this should produce a Main menu that transitions in.

I'm going to leave it at that for this article but will probably pick it up again in a future one.
Thanks for reading!